Quick Start¶
The dependencies are:
a C compiler
CMake >= 3.18.4
MPI (Message Passing Interface)
Optional: Python 3 for example littleConfigTest.c
Get the code from github
git clone git@github.com:SMG2S/BTIDG2.git
get into the project folder
make a directory for building and compiling, then change into this new built folder
mkdir build
cd build
build the code with CMake
cmake ..
make -j
in the folder example, two executable binaries are available, and the execution is:
mpirun -n ${NPROCS} ../example/hardBrainTest ${N}
mpirun -n ${NPROCS} ./example/littleConfigTest
in which ${NPROCS} is the number of MPI processes to be used, and ${N} is the size of square matrix to be generated (number of neurons in the brain).